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πŸ’› Tzulan Quest
Tzulan Quest
by Red Glove (2016)
Player Count
2 to 5

Player Ages

Playing Time
20 minutes to 1 minutes
  • Card Game
  • Exploration
  • Adventure
  • Maze
  • Designers
  • Alessandro Cuneo
  • Mechanisms
  • Trading
  • Hand Management
  • Take That
  • Artists
  • Guido Favaro
  • Rating: 6.18/10 from 39 users


    Tzulan temple ruins are in front of you. You are approaching the most wicked Idol Ugly Snouts ever forged, but you will have to run through dangerous rooms and face monstrous creatures and even other fierce explorers to take it.

    Tzulan Quest is a frenzy card game where you have to move your explorer towards the central room and reach the golden Idol there running through many perilous rooms. Each player has a bunch of cards to pass them or prevent his opponents to do it.

    Cards can be used in two ways: as a key to pass a room of a certain kind or as an action that can slow your opponents or give you advantages. You can use as many cards as you can during your turn. If you have no cards in your hand during you turn, you draw three new ones immediately and end your turn.

    You can ask your opponents for the card you need offering everything you want as a trade: other cards, money, marriage proposals and any other service or object that pass through your head and let your opponent accept the deal. If he does, both of you gain a gem. Gems can be used to increase the effect of a card you are playing, drawing cards and passing through rooms for free. You gain gems defeating dreadful monsters too with the whip.

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