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đź’› The Battle of Camden, S.C.
The Battle of Camden, S.C.
by Oldenburg Grenadiers (1976)
Player Count

Player Ages

Playing Time
3 hours
  • Wargame
  • American Revolutionary War
  • Age of Reason
  • Designers
  • D. Hoth
  • Family
  • Player Count: Two Player Only Games
  • Rating: 7/10 from 3 users


    Medium complexity wargame of the Battles of Camden, South Carolina during the American Revolutionary War. Outnumbered, General Cornwallis and the British Legion Defeat the American Army of General Gates. 144 counters. Rare. Limited Printing.

    From the Introduction in Rules Folder:

    The BATTLE OF CAMDEN, S.C. game simulation has been designed to provide the game player with a maximum in historical content while also providing an entertaining format for those interested in the "Battle" game simulations. The regimental unit identifies, battle strengths, and battle terrain were researched in detail in order to provide as much realism as possible, and give the players the feeling of having been involved in that part of history known as the American Revolution. The rules of play and the condition of victory have been designed to reproduce the actual conditions under which the battle was fought.

    When playing the game, remember that "winning" is a relative term. It is sometimes more enjoyable to play as the commander of the "weaker" army, and see if you can produce a better result than the actual commander did. In the BATTLE OF CAMDEN, S.C. game, the winner can be decided on this basis. The player who performs better than his historical counterpart gains a measure of victory.

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