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Puzzle Master
Things From Another World
đź’› Rubbish
by Gibsons
Player Count
2 to 12

Player Ages
  • Party Game
  • Designers
  • (Uncredited)
  • Mechanisms
  • Pattern Recognition
  • Rating: 2/10 from 1 users


    This is a simple sequence game with a challenge element.

    There are 104 cards each marked with a letter. There are 4 of each letter of the English alphabet.

    In the center of the table, there are 4 stacks - 2 ascending from A-Z, and 2 descending from Z-A. A "Higher/Lower" marker is placed between the piles.

    In front of each player, there are 2 stacks - a face down draw pile and a face up discard pile.

    At the start of the game, all cards are dealt to players, so the only stacks with cards are the player draw piles.

    Cards must be played onto the stacks in sequence - D on top of C if going "Higher", C on top of D if going "Lower". Cards may also be played onto another player's discard pile if it is 1 higher or lower than the top card. A player's turn ends when he draws a card that cannot be played anywhere - it is then placed in his own discard pile.

    The winner is the person who gets rid of all their cards first (discard piles are recycled).

    Other players can challenge a move by shouting "Rubbish". All players give 1 card to a validly challenged player, or to the challenger if wrong.

    To encourage a noisy game with lots of challenging, the rules suggested that players play quickly in order to make mistakes.

    The game consists solely of the marker, the cards and the rules.

    The rules say that whilst any number of players is possible, it is best with 4-10 players.

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