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Puzzle Master
Things From Another World
💛 Pssst!
by Piatnik (2005)
Player Count
2 to 5

Player Ages

Playing Time
10 minutes
  • Card Game
  • Animals
  • Designers
  • Arno Steinwender
  • Christoph Puhl
  • Mechanisms
  • Set Collection
  • Card Drafting
  • Artists
  • Frank Limido
  • Rating: 5/10 from 1 users


    The animal babies have fallen asleep. The winner is the player who first collects four complete animal families or plays his last card.

    Game play: The starting player plays a baby animal, then the other players may either say “psst, baby is asleep” and start a new deck with a baby card, or place a card onto the first deck, the mother on the baby card, the father on the mother card, and the grandmother on the father card. When the grandmother card is placed the player makes the corresponding animal noise and takes the complete family. A player who cannot place a card must draw an additional card.

    From the back of the box of Chut! Le Petit Dort

    English: (Translated)

    The animals are having a party. During the party, families have lost sight of each other, but now: Shhh! the children are sleeping. Every mother is looking for her child, every father for his wife and even grandmother is running around to find everyone else!

    The goal: Be the first to have 4 families reunited or play your last card.


    Les Animaux font la fête. Dans le tumulte, les familles se sont perdues de vue, mais Chut! les petits étainent fatiguèus et se sont endormis. Maintenant, chaque maman cherche son petit, chaque papa la maman et pour terminer la grand-mére cherche tout le monde.

    Le but du jeu: Être le premier à rassembler quatre familles d'animaux, ou bien à poser sa derniére carte.

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