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💛 Zoo Yatzy
Zoo Yatzy
by 999 Games, HUCH!, Four Esses, Bergsala Enigma (2011)
Player Count
2 to 99

Player Ages

Playing Time
10 minutes
  • Dice
  • Animals
  • Designers
  • Kristian Dreinø
  • Freddy Andersen
  • Mechanisms
  • Dice Rolling
  • Artists
  • Kristian Dreinø
  • Freddy Andersen
  • Wietske de Blauw
  • Family
  • Yacht
  • Rating: 4.5/10 from 29 users


    In this Yahtzee-like dice game, players get to throw the five dice up to three times on their turn while attempting to make high-scoring sets, whether of animals, flags, or something else; many versions of this game have been released, and the symbols matter only for what you check off, not for a point value since each symbol is worth 1. Choose carefully which lines to score as each line can be scored only once! If all the possible choices for a roll have been filled, then you must score zero points on another line of your choice.

    If you score 18 or more points on the upper half of the score sheet, then you receive 10 bonus points. (Note that unlike Yahtzee, each symbol is worth only one point; note also that in the lower section, each line has a specific scoring combination, e.g. three elephants score only with two bears, not with a two of something else. Roll five identical items, and you get a 10-point bonus. Whoever has the highest score when all the score sheets are filled wins!

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