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President Wars: Battle Through The Centuries
President Wars: Battle Through The Centuries
by (Self-Published) (2014)
Player Count
1 to 2

Player Ages

Playing Time
35 minutes
  • Wargame
  • Mechanisms
  • Paper-and-Pencil
  • Dice Rolling
  • Family
  • Crowdfunding: Kickstarter
  • Rating: 1/10 from 1 users


    President Wars is a card and dice game that takes the traditional game of war and
    transforms it into a battle of epic proportions. The deck contains every president from
    George Washington to Barack Obama. Each president is given a hit point value based
    on real life statistics determined by time spent in office, popularity and war experience.
    On every battle card we added facts about each president. Our country's complete
    leadership over the past 200+ years packed into one game.

    This game is easy to learn and fun for all ages young old and with so many card
    combinations, this game has unlimited replay value and should never be the same
    game twice. Each card represents a different time and era in American history

    Rules of War

    2 Player

    Each player chooses their favorite die- Republican, Democrat or Independent (red, white or blue)

    Shuffle the deck and deal each player 22 cards. -Do not look at them- Place them in a pile face down in front of you. Both players turn over the top card on their pile and battle. If your card wins the battle you place it on the bottom of your pile for future use and if your card loses you put it in a separate pile, this card is no longer playable. A player wins when they successfully defeat their opponent's entire army.

    1 player

    Choose between 1 and 6 cards from the deck either by random or by choice and these will be your battle cards. Play through the deck to see how many presidents you can eliminate before you are taken out. Keep track of your score on score pad.

    Rules of Battle

    Each player rolls their die at the same time. The player who rolls the higher number gets the strike. The damage= difference in dice. Opponent then must subtract it from their battle card. The battle is over when one card loses all their hit points or an eagle is rolled.

    Example - If player 1 rolls a (7) player and player 2 rolls a (1)......Then player 2 must subtract 6 from their card.

    Battle Dice- 10 Sided- Numbered 2-9 with 2 symbols

    Eagle- If you roll an eagle, you steal your player's card and place it on the bottom of your pile.

    Shield- If you roll a shield you defend your opponent's attack and they must subtract their total roll from their battle card

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