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💛 Irin Ajo
Irin Ajo
by NIBCARD (2017)
Player Count
2 to 6

Player Ages

Playing Time
30 minutes to 45 minutes
  • Transportation
  • Designers
  • Kenechukwu Ogbuagu
  • Mechanisms
  • Dice Rolling
  • Artists
  • Segun Babalola
  • Rating: 10/10 from 1 users


    Irin Ajo is a strategy game with an African narrative that is played with a customized die.

    Irin Ajo game board
    30 playing token for 6 players (colour separated)
    1 customized die


    The Irin Ajo game board comes with 6 locations that describe the 6 geo-political zones in Nigeria. The game is centered around the various means of transportation that generally lead to each location.

    Players roll the die to know which means of transportation is available to them or not. They then decide which route best suits their strategy.

    TO WIN:

    Players placed their token in their HOME LOCATION. And then play to achieve the objective of the game to win.

    They have to travel to all the other FIVE LOCATIONS to be declared the winner.

    When playing, players can not go against the road direction in a location unless it has become a KNOWN ZONE (For a location to become a known zone, a player must have reached a certain location and have placed their token in that location).

    Some of the locations are in the desert, some at the water areas and others wound mountains.

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