
Active Sellers
Things From Another World
Puzzle Master
by (Self-Published) (2019)
Player Count
2 to 6

Player Ages

Playing Time
15 minutes to 30 minutes
  • Nautical
  • Dice
  • Party Game
  • Fighting
  • Ancient
  • Print & Play
  • Designers
  • Hanjel
  • Mechanisms
  • Dice Rolling
  • Press Your Luck
  • Artists
  • Hanjel
  • Family
  • Ancient Greece
  • Region: Aegean Sea
  • Rating: 8.5/10 from 1 users


    Egeo is based on the nautical battles of the Diadochi (sucessors of Alexander the Great). It is a typical dice game with combat between the fleets of the players. It can be played by 2-6 opponents (ideal 3-6) and it spends about 25 minutes.
    Each player receives an equal set of cards with the typical ships of the period. Different boats can do different attacks (projectile, ram, ...). In their turn players select a ship and an attack, then with dices they decide if the attack is a success or not. Some attacks could be risky for the attacker, and their own boat could be affected.
    —description from the designer

    Egeo trata sobre las batallas navales de los Diadocos (herederos de Alejandro Magno). Es un juego de dados típico con combate entre las flotas de los jugadores. Pueden jugar de 2-6 oponentes (ideal de 3-6) y dura unos 25 minutos.
    Cada jugador recibe un set idéntico de cartas con los navíos típicos del periodo. Diferentes barcos pueden realizar diferentes ataques (proyectiles, embestir con el espolón…). En su turno los jugadores seleccionan naves y su ataque, luego con dados deciden si el ataque tiene éxito o no. Algunos ataques pueden ser arriesgados para el atacante, y su barco podría verse afectado.
    —description from the designer (Spanish)

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