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💛 Cockroach Salad
Cockroach Salad
by Drei Magier Spiele, 999 Games, Devir, Corfix, G3, ADC Blackfire Entertainment (2007)
Player Count
2 to 6

Player Ages

Playing Time
10 minutes to 20 minutes
  • Card Game
  • Action / Dexterity
  • Real-time
  • Humor
  • Designers
  • Jacques Zeimet
  • Mechanisms
  • Pattern Recognition
  • Speed Matching
  • Artists
  • Rolf Vogt
  • Family
  • Food / Cooking
  • Drei Magier Ugly Animals
  • Animals: Cockroaches
  • Animals: Insects
  • Rating: 6.16/10 from 2076 users


    In Cockroach Salad players create a common salad packed with lettuce, peppers, tomatoes and cauliflower – but they won't always be saying which ingredient they're adding to the bowl!

    The 128 cards – 120 vegetable cards in the four types and eight "taboo" vegetable cards, two of each type that bear cockroaches – are shuffled and divided among the players. On a turn, a player plays the top card from his deck onto the central pile of cards, naming the vegetable as he plays it, e.g., "Pepper!" – except in the following situations:

    • If his vegetable matches the previously played vegetable, the player must lie.
    • If his vegetable matches the claim made by the previous player (perhaps because that player lied), then the player must lie.
    • If he plays a taboo card, he shouts "Cockroach!" and the next player starts a new pile next to the first one so that the taboo card remains visible.
    • If his vegetable matches a visible taboo card, he must lie.

    Make a mistake or stumble or hesitate too long, and a player must pick up all cards played to that point in the game. The first player to run out of cards wins!

    Can be combined with Kakerlakensuppe.

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