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💛 Antiques Roadshow
Antiques Roadshow
by San Serif Print Promotions Ltd (Serif) (1988)
Player Count
2 to 6
  • Trivia
  • Movies / TV / Radio theme
  • Educational
  • Rating: 3/10 from 2 users


    Trivia game with the theme of the questions being on different areas of antique collecting; Porcelain, Silver, Paintings, and so on. The game is licenced by the BBC who have been broadcasting the Antiques Roadshow for well over 20 years.

    The object is to answer enough questions correctly to 'build' a medallion. When assembled (10 correct answers in all), you must answer one more question from the subject of your choice and if you get it right, you win.

    One particular aspect makes it a true family game. The questions takes three forms. At the start decide if you are an Expert, an Enthusiast, or an Amateur. If you are an Expert, then you get the question as is. If you are an Enthusiast, you get three possible answers and must choose one of the. If you are an Amateur, you get two possible answers and must choose one. Thus children can play with adults quite happily.

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