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Things From Another World
Tribal Survival
Tribal Survival
by (Unpublished)
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  • Political
  • Educational
  • Designers
  • Tom March
  • Olga West
  • Mechanisms
  • Roll / Spin and Move
  • Rating: 0/10 from 0 users


    The players shall be able to identify how different situations affect the food, shelter, and clothing sources of a culture. The learner will determine if the situation applies to his/her culture.

    A board game format allows the players to use the information in a hands on situation. Instead of just discussing how situations affect cultures and their basic supplies, they will use the information and create a discussion in a game situation. The board game provides a means for which the students will discuss the cultures and its components.

    The learners will preserve their own culture as well as trade and have contact with other cultures. This board game allows students to get what is needed in his/her culture without destroying another culture. This game hopes to teach how cultures should work together.

    The first culture to have 10 tokens in each category and 1 craft token from the other three cultures wins the game .

    • a board.
    • 50 situation cards.
    • 4 culture cards
    • 4 culture figures
    • Pinto beans as tokens for each category of housing, food, and clothing.
    • 6 Red, 6 pink, 6 black, and 6 white beans to represent the craft tokens

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