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Puzzle Master
💛 Yvio: Thinx
Yvio: Thinx
by Public Solution GmbH (2009)
Player Count
1 to 8

Player Ages

Playing Time
20 minutes
  • Deduction
  • Electronic
  • Math
  • Designers
  • Michael Palm
  • Lukas Zach
  • Mechanisms
  • Pattern Recognition
  • Family
  • Yvio
  • Rating: 6.42/10 from 13 users


    From the German publisher website:
    Die Thinx sind wahre Multitalente: Sie sprechen mehrere Sprachen, klingen mal wie das Rauschen eines Baches oder wie Verkehrslärm. Sie kennen verschiedene Tierarten und fordern unser Wissen heraus: Welche Thinx bilden die Paare? In welcher Reihenfolge müssen sie platziert werden? Und welche gehören zu einer Gruppe, welche nicht…?
    Findet die richtigen Positionen der 8 intelligenten Thinx und enträtselt ihre geheimnisvollen Bande!
    - spielbar als Solo- oder Gesellschaftsspiel
    - Förderung der haptischen Wahrnehmung
    - ideal auch im Therapie-Bereich einsetzbar

    Translated by Google Translate:
    The Thinx are true multi-talents: They speak several languages, sometimes sounding like the sound of a stream or as traffic noise. You know different animal species and a challenge to our knowledge: What are the Thinx couples? In what order they should be placed? And belonging to a group which does not ...?
    Find the right positions of the 8 Thinx intelligent and deciphered their mysterious band!
    - playable as a solo or party game
    - Promotion of haptic perception
    - ideal in the treatment area used

    Additional description:
    "Thinx" is a thinking and logic game. The four basic pieces (from the main box) and the additional four pieces of the "Thinx" pack will be dressed in futuristic deco buildings. The goal of the game is to solve the puzzles by proper arrangement of the pieces on the eight fields of the board. The difficulty level rises from round to round.

    In "Thinx" there are 3 different types of challenges:
    - "Pair-search": Each 2 pieces fit together. Each must be positioned simultaneously on the board. The pairs are determined by the sound output of the Yvio. For example, a combination of "animal" / "loud noise". The stone with the sound output "elephant" should, therefore, a "Törööh" are assigned to stone - this is done through a trial and error "principle.
    - "Order": In these challenges, the 8 stones are placed in an order (eg, single words to put together a lyrics or things will be sorted by size. Each stone solves it again exactly one sound).
    - "Subset" Here, certain stones are sorted out following the instructions of the Yvio on the board.

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