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Puzzle Master
Things From Another World
Würfelhelden: Alphatiere
Würfelhelden: Alphatiere
by AMIGO (2023)
Player Count
3 to 4
  • Dice
  • Expansion for Base-game
  • Print & Play
  • Designers
  • Richard Garfield
  • Mechanisms
  • Variable Player Powers
  • Dice Rolling
  • Rating: 8.5/10 from 2 users


    The Mini-Expansion adds asymmetric Player powers for your Heroes.
    A print-and-play version in German is available for free at the Amigo-Spiele website.

    A Mini-Expansion for 3-4 players.

    Equip your Heroes with individual powers!

    In addition to choosing your Hero take the Hero-Board as well as the suitable Hero-Power. (Hero-Powers of not selected Heroes go back in the game-box and are not considered in the game)
    Take 3 single-coins (value 1) and place them on the 3 marked spots on the front-side of your Hero-Power. These are your "Action-coins" (keep them separate from your other coins during the game).
    If you play with "Mascha" (the bear) you also need the duel-marker (otherwise only needed for the 2-Player-Variant of the base-game).

    You can at any time during your turn but only ONCE a turn use one of the Hero-Powers that are in play. To do so you need to "pay" with one of your three "Action-coins" (resting on your Hero-Power).
    If you choose the Hero-Power of your Hero the coin goes back into the general-supply. If you choose a Hero-Power of another Player the coin goes to the coin-supply of the respective player.
    Note: Since you have only 3 "Action-coins" you can only use up to three times any Hero-Power in play. Once an "Action-coin" is used it becomes a regular coin - either in the general-supply or as payment to another player.

    End of game/Scoring:
    Every leftover "Action-coin(s)" on your Hero-Powers become regular coins and count therefore towards your total.


    Phil (the capricorn)
    Exploration - you get an extra roll for the this turn (so you're allowed to roll 4-times instead of 3-times, "X"s are still not allowed to re-roll)

    Mascha (the bear)
    Determination - add this turn 2 swords to your total, if your swords go in the middle than place your duel-marker with your dice (remove the duel-marker when your dice leaf the middle)

    Iva (the hawk)
    Persuasive power - after you rolled your dice re-roll all "X"s (you have to use this Hero-Power before you take your next roll and the effect is only for the ONE roll you used it after, Note: since you're only allowed to use a Hero-Power once a turn there are no second re-rolls)

    Emmit (the otter)
    Teamwork - take a yellow or red die from your Hero-Board as if you had rolled a yellow- or red-die symbol in the previous turn (the die is now part of your group - until he shows an "X")

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