Word Frolic! Village Idiom I
DescriptionWord Frolic! Village Idiom I is an educational card game for ages 12 and up. It teaches players 52 different English-language idioms, and provides a well-researched definition and origin for each one. Players take turns drawing cards and reading them aloud to the other players; the goal of each round is to fill in the blank with the proper English-language idiom. The correct answer will create a terrible pun, and earn the player 2 points. There are bonus questions worth 1 point apiece, and optional conversation starters related to the card's content. The first player to 10 points wins the game. Game DiscussionsAdd CommentYou need to be logged in to comment. Insert Bullet List Please enter at least one item. Item: Item: Item: Item: Item: Insert Numeric List Please enter at least one item. Item: Item: Item: Item: Item: Insert Link Please enter the link of the website Optionally you can add display text Insert Email Please enter the email address Optionally add any display text Insert Image Please enter the link of the image Insert YouTube Video Please enter the link of the video MarketplaceNo listings at the moment. Do you own this game? Click here to list it for sale.
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