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Underwater Hunt
Underwater Hunt
by Vine Cliff Games (2022)
Player Count
1 to 4

Player Ages

Playing Time
10 minutes to 20 minutes
  • Card Game
  • Educational
  • Number
  • Math
  • Designers
  • Abby Tsui
  • Artists
  • Simon Tsui
  • Family
  • Admin: Unreleased Games
  • Theme: Treasure Diving
  • Rating: 8/10 from 1 users


    Underwater Hunt is a board game that helps children enjoy learning number skills as they find a way to collect gems from the bottom of the sea. Designed for 1 to 4 players, Underwater Hunt is a great game for developing and sharpening math skills, as they add and subtract their way through the board, strategically using their cards to earn gems.

    The goal of the game is to use your diver cards to land on a space that has gems. The first player to collect 5 gems wins.

    How to set up
    1) Place the chest cards face down on the table.
    2) Place 5 gems randomly on 5 blank spaces on the board. 1 gem per space.
    Tips: You may use 5 random diver flash cards to select the spaces for the gems.
    3) Place your token on the "Start" space.
    4) The dealer deals 5 diver flash cards to each player. The remaining cards not dealt are placed face down on the table to form the draw pile.

    How to play
    1) The person to the left of the dealer starts play. Players take turn in clockwise direction.
    2) You choose a card from your hand and play it faceup on the table.
    3) You calculate the sum (or difference) shown on the card and go that many spaces forward.
    4) If you land on a space with a gem, you take the gem, and replenish the space with a new gem.
    5) If you land on a "miss a turn" space, you will be skipped on your next turn.
    6) If you land on a "chest symbol" space, take a chest card and follow the instruction on the card.
    7) Keep playing and go around the board until a player collects 5 gems.
    8) When you have played all of your cards in your hand, you draw 5 new cards from the draw pile.
    9) If the draw pile is empty, shuffle the discard pile and use it as the new draw pile.

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