
Active Sellers
Things From Another World
Puzzle Master
💛 Turn
by (Web published) (2017)
Player Count

Player Ages

Playing Time
25 minutes
  • Abstract Strategy
  • Designers
  • Rey Alicea
  • Mechanisms
  • Tile Placement
  • Area Enclosure
  • Pattern Building
  • Grid Movement
  • Artists
  • Rey Alicea
  • Family
  • n in a row
  • Player Count: Two Player Only Games
  • Rating: 0/10 from 0 users


    2 players Dark and Light

    8x8 checkerboard
    56 bi-color pieces
    A supply of plastic rings

    The game ends with victory for the first player that makes a four in a row; consisting of friendly ringed or non-ringed pieces that are orthogonally or diagonally adjacent. Otherwise, the player still able to move is the winner.

    Stack the 56 pieces on the border spaces in an alternating pattern of black and white. There should be face-up a black-sided piece and a white-sided piece per space.

    One player plays black the other white, both share the plastic rings.

    Decide who goes first in any convenient manner, turns then alternate.

    On a turn,
    1) Move a "naked" friendly piece across empty squares in a straight orthogonal line from the border onto an empty square or
    2) Move a "naked" friendly piece in a straight orthogonal line, moving over no more than one enemy piece and no further than the empty square behind that jumped piece. The moving piece must end up with at least one orthogonal or diagonal neighbor. You can optionally flip the piece just moved to your opponent’s color and then place a plastic ring over the piece, making it permanent. Once this happens, any orthogonally or diagonally adjacent "naked" pieces are also flipped.

    A player may not repeat the board position of the previous turn.

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