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💛 Triablo
by (Web published) (2010)
Player Count
2 to 3
  • Abstract Strategy
  • Designers
  • Cameron Browne
  • Mechanisms
  • Point to Point Movement
  • Rating: 0/10 from 0 users


    Triablo is a strategy game of capture with special interlocking pieces, for two or three players.

    Two players, White and Red, each have 10 pieces, called singletons, of their color which can move in any of the three directions they point to, any number of empty spaces. The singletons are triangular and can interlock with/capture enemy singletons at which point they form a doublet.

    A doublet can move any number of empty spaces in any direction, but can only be moved by the owner of the covering piece.

    A king is presented as 2 interlocking singletons of the same color and can move 1 space in any direction. Instead of moving, the king may abdicate his crown (covering piece) to another same-coloured singleton any number of empty spaces away in any direction.

    An enemy piece is vulnerable to capture if three or more tips of the attacker's colour point towards it in unobstructed line of sight; one of these pieces must make the capture. Singletons can only capture enemy singletons, which they cover to form a doublet. Doublets and kings can capture any enemy piece by replacement to remove them from the board.

    A player loses if their king is captured, cannot move or abdicate, or if there are less than three pieces under their control.

    There is also a three player variation.

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