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TOT Trivia
TOT Trivia
by Trivia Games Inc. (1984)
Player Count
1 to 4

Player Ages

Playing Time
30 minutes
  • Card Game
  • Trivia
  • Educational
  • Number
  • Mechanisms
  • Memory
  • Pattern Recognition
  • Rating: 0/10 from 0 users


    Over 600 questions and answers
    A complete set of illustrated Alphabet flash cards
    A complete set of illustrated Number flash cards (1-9)
    Ideal for home, or compact for travel. Game complete on its own or a great add-on to other trivia games. Large durable cards; easy to follow rules.

    Cards are large 3" x 5" yellow in color and have trivia designed for 3-6 year age group.
    The first player or team of players to discard all 4 character cards by answering correctly wins.
    to play:
    Separate the 7 draw cards and the 16 character play cards.
    mix up the remaining play cards and return to the box. distribute 4 identical character play cards to each player or team. stack the draw cards and lay face down in a draw pile.
    player to the left of the quiz-master begins the game.
    select draw card to determine question number to be answered by the current player. if 1-6 is drawn then answer the appropriate question if 7 then show the image on the reverse of the card.

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