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💛 Tops and Tails
Tops and Tails
by Piatnik, Capiépa - Jeux Éducatifs (1964)
Player Count
1 to 4
  • Card Game
  • Puzzle
  • Humor
  • Designers
  • (Uncredited)
  • Mechanisms
  • Set Collection
  • Card Drafting
  • Pattern Building
  • Artists
  • Willy Mayrl
  • Rating: 2.75/10 from 4 users


    From the box:

    Rules for Several Players:

    Shuffle the cards well, and deal them out equally, face downwards. If any player finds he has a complete matching picture in his hand he can lay it down immediately, face upwards. Matching halves bear the same number.
    The player on the right of the dealer begins by laying one card down, face upwards. If the next player has the card to match it, he puts it down and takes the complete picture, counting it as a set in his favor. If he has not got the matching card he can put down any other card to make whatever funny combination he likes. However, only a "top" can be laid to a "tail", or vice versa, as two tops or two tails cannot be put together. If a player has not the type of card required, he loses his turn to the next player. The winner is the player with most complete sets at the end of the game.

    Rules for One Player:

    Shuffle the cards well and lay them out face downwards in pairs, in such a way that the design on the backs of each pair forms a complete picture. Then turn the cards face upwards one by one. The resulting comical combinations will give a lot of amusement. If any of the pairs of cards you have laid out forms a matching pair (a set), place them on one side, face upwards, then shuffle the remaining cards and repeat the process until all the matching pairs have been found.
    You can take as long as an hour to play this game, and will always get different combinations.

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