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Puzzle Master
Things From Another World
Top Secret
Top Secret
by Parker Brothers (1988)
Player Count
2 to 4

Player Ages

Playing Time
1 hour
  • Trivia
  • Movies / TV / Radio theme
  • Designers
  • Wink Martindale
  • Mechanisms
  • Dice Rolling
  • Rating: 6.43/10 from 7 users


    FROM THE BOX: Are you Houdini...Hong Kong...or a Hot Dog?

    Your TOP SECRET mission: To "un-mask" all your opponents - and keep your own identity under wraps. Based on TV's cleverest new game show. TOP SECRET requires the same intelligence and cunning when you play at home, each player assumes the identity of a person, place or thing. Now, you all vie to answer toss-up questions to earn money and the chance to buy clues to one another's I.D.'s But you only get four clues to each - and you have to buy each one separately!

    If you can keep your own "cover" secret while everyone else reveals theirs, you'll go on to the Super Sleuth round: Decipher six identities in sixty seconds - from just three clues each - and win $5,000!

    TOP SECRET...Confidentially, it's just too much fun to keep under cover!

    Each player is given a secret subject. Each subject has four clues, with each clue having a purchase price: $250, $500, $750, and $1,000.

    One player is selected to read aloud a trivia question. The player who answers that question correctly receives a random reward between $200 and $1,000. A player must buy a clue from an opponent when afforded. Guessing an opponent's subject earns the guesser $500, with the other player eliminated from the game.

    The process repeats until only one player remains, who then goes on to play the "Super Sleuth Round" where s/he must guess three secret subjects in under one minute for $5,000.

    The player with the most money after two games is the winner.

    This is a faithful adaptation of the unsold 1988 CBS daytime game show pilot of the same name, although the show itself never actually got past the pilot stage. The board game was only released briefly before being pulled, mostly due to this but also because it shared its name with a TSR, Inc. RPG that was already on the market.

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