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đź’› The Peter Pan Game
The Peter Pan Game
by The Traditional Games Co. Ltd. (1989)
Player Count
3 to 5

Player Ages

Playing Time
30 minutes
  • Novel-based
  • Designers
  • (Uncredited)
  • Mechanisms
  • Roll / Spin and Move
  • Card Drafting
  • Artists
  • Mabel Lucie Attwell
  • Family
  • Characters: Peter Pan
  • Rating: 0/10 from 0 users


    In the darkness of Neverland, moored in the Mermaids Lagoon lies that cannibal of the seas the Jolly Roger. Captive aboard are Wendy, Michael & John. Peter Pan has set out to help their escape, his battle with Captain Hook, and his villainous crew about to begin. Neverland is only for the brave. Those who dare to tread its pathways and cross its rivers should beware, evil deeds are planned tonight.

    The game is based on the original Hodder and Stoughton publication of Peter Pan and Wendy from 1921 which uses the illustrations of Mabel Lucie Attwell. The game takes extracts from the text and uses those original illustrations to capture the atmosphere and adventure of the book in an exciting game. The pieces and the packaging have been tastefully designed to make the game a collectors piece for children and parents to treasure today and throughout their lives.

    The player playing Peter Pan must set out to clear the mushroom clearings of pirates so the children can make good their escape. The player playing Captain Hook sets out from the Jolly Roger in an attempt to capture Peter Pan. His 6 pirates guard the mushroom clearings, making difficult for the children to escape. Players playing Wendy, Michael and John must find a way to the underground home.

    The game boils down to a roll and move with a card mechanic to throw some curves into the game. When Peter Pan and Captain Hook clash it becomes a dice duel between the two.

    The game includes a game board, hand crafted Peter Pan and Captain Hook pawns, 6 wooden pirates, 3 wooden children counters, 50 adventure cards, 30 pirate river cards and three wooden dice.

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