
Active Sellers
Things From Another World
Puzzle Master
The King is Fed
The King is Fed
by (Web published), Outerlude Games (2021)
Player Count
1 to 2

Player Ages

Playing Time
5 minutes to 10 minutes
  • Card Game
  • Print & Play
  • Designers
  • Jonathan Kendler
  • Mechanisms
  • Cooperative Play
  • STR-04 Solo Game
  • Artists
  • Jonathan Kendler
  • Family
  • Solitaire Games
  • Food / Cooking
  • 9 Card Game Print and Play Design Contest
  • Rating: 8.5/10 from 2 users


    The realm has been re-unified. The leaders of its three factions (the English, Scottish, and Welsh) will soon arrive at the royal castle for a celebratory but tense dinner. If the dinner is a failure, the realm will descend into chaos yet again.

    You are the royal hosts’ waitstaff, plating dishes and serving guests while following royal protocol. The fate of the realm now rests on your shoulders. Only you can maintain peace in the realm by making sure that all faction leaders are served fairly and that the royal hosts are satisfied.

    - 9 double-sided cards
    - 18 colored cubes (6 red, 6 blue, 6 yellow)

    Your goal is to serve three meal portions (i.e., cubes) to every guest, with each guest receiving one cube of each color.

    You play the game in turns. On each turn, you must take one of the following actions:

    • Dish a portion - Move a cube from a waiter’s tray to a square on one of the three serving dishes in front of the waiter.
    • Serve a portion - Move a cube from a serving dish to a guest’s plate.
    • Perform a royal ceremony - Move a cube from a royal host’s serving trolley to the adjacent waiter that does not have a cube and then perform the associated royal action listed on the trolley.

    Game end
    The game ends with a win if every guest has one cube of each color on their plate.

    The game ends with a loss if any of the following occur:
    • You are unable to perform any of the allowed actions on a turn.
    • You are unable to perform the required royal action when you perform a royal ceremony.
    • A guest has more than one cube in a given color on their plate.

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