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The Game of Zoo-Zoo
The Game of Zoo-Zoo
by Chad Valley Co Ltd.
Player Count

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  • Card Game
  • Mechanisms
  • Hand Management
  • Family
  • Animals: Apes / Monkeys
  • Rating: 4/10 from 1 users


    36 cards in 3 suits of twelve, plus 4 special cards - The Bad Boy, The Old Witch, The Wicked Cat and Zoo-Zoo himself (a dressed-up monkey). Each suit has 8 identical cards and 4 special cards - King, Queen, Jumbo and Neddy.
    Players must guess the colour of the top card on the face down deck. If correct, he keeps the card and draws two more cards which are kept secret. If he is wrong about the colour, he hands the card to the player on his right, who keeps it.
    The Zoo-Zoo card is wild and is all three colours, so a player keeps it no matter which colour he predicted (but he does not draw the bonus 2 cards).
    The Old Witch, The Wicked Cat, and The Bad Boy are of no colour and the player drawing one of them will always be wrong with the colour he predicted.In addition he must lose 4, 3, or 2 cards respectively from his collection.
    The game ends when the last card is picked up. Zoo-Zoo counts 7 points, any King 5 points, any Queen 4 points, any Elephant 3 points, and any Donkey scores 2 points. All Balloon cards score 1 point each. Finally, the colourless cards score -4 for the Witch, -3 for the Cat and -2 for the Boy. The game is played until one player has scored 100 points.

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