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💛 The Few: Battle of Britain
The Few: Battle of Britain
by Junior General (2005)
Player Count
5 to 1
  • Wargame
  • World War II
  • Educational
  • Aviation / Flight
  • Designers
  • Matt Unsworth
  • Family
  • History: World War Two (Battle of Britain)
  • Rating: 5.5/10 from 1 users


    A classroom game based on the Battle of Britain. Combat is resolved by drawing cards from a standard card deck. Other components required for play are German and British Flight Rosters, a Battle Board, the Reinforcements schedule, and the Combat Resolution Tables.

    “Divide the class into two groups - the RAF (Britain) and Luftwaffe (Germany). Each team must have an air marshal. Air marshals will be in charge of allocating resources and aircraft to targets, and filling in the flight roster. The remaining students will be pilots (German fighter or bomber pilots, British fighter pilots). If necessary, divide the students in small groups and call them ‘wings.’ The German players start with 10 bombers and 10 fighters. The British players start with 6 fighters. This information should be put on the flight rosters.”

    “The Battle Board should be drawn on the chalkboard, or someplace else where all the students can see it. On the Battle Board write the three targets: air bases, radar, and London. This is where each turn you will write down the number and type of planes sent by each side to attack or defend each target.”

    “Objective: Germany must either destroy London OR both the air bases AND radar. The British win by destroying 15 German planes or preventing the Germans from winning. The battle will last 5 turns or until one side wins a victory.”

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