
Active Sellers
Puzzle Master
Things From Another World
The Dragon's Lair
The Dragon's Lair
by Move38 (2021)
Player Count
1 to 4

Playing Time
5 minutes to 30 minutes
  • Electronic
  • Designers
  • Francisco Javier
  • Spencer Jenik
  • Mechanisms
  • Modular Board
  • Action/Event
  • Artists
  • Francisco Javier
  • Family
  • Blinks
  • Rating: 7.33/10 from 3 users


    The Dragon’s Lair is a frantic, fast paced treasure collection game with survival elements. Players work to evade a wide range of fierce dragon attacks while gathering an assortment of rubies, emeralds and gold. Challenge the dragon alone or with friends as you compete to gather as much treasure as you can before your luck runs out. Do you dare enter The Dragon’s Lair?


    Separate out one blink per player to be treasure hunter (player) blinks and one blink to be the dragon.
    Triple click a blink to set to treasure hunter, long press to set blink to dragon (hold off until ready to start the game), double press to set back to lair tile.
    Arrange all remaining non-player (lair) blinks around the dragon in any configuration desired as long as each blink has one side open for connection.
    Alt Setup - If only playing with 6-9 blinks, arrange blinks in a straight line with the dragon at the end.
    Long press the designated dragon blink to set role and start the game.


    Treasures randomly spawn into the lair playspace for the players to collect.
    Treasure hunter (player) blinks have three colored sides - Yellow (Gold), Red (Rubies), and Green (Emeralds).
    Players must match the correctly colored side of their blink to a treasure to score points.
    Each red (ruby) and green (emerald) collected gains the player 1 point, while each yellow (gold) collected gives the player 5 points.
    Yellow (Gold) treasures require the play to mine (be connected to them) for 3 seconds before awarding their points.
    Players collect treasure points until their luck runs out (all 3 luck lost).
    One luck is lost by incorrectly connecting to a treasure or by being adversely affected by a dragon attack.
    The players current luck count is displayed by the three white lights on the treasure hunter blink.
    The Dragon has three attacking moves:
    A. Fireball - Orange light (Fire) moves quickly throughout the lair. Any player attached to an actively affected tile looses one luck.
    B. Poison - Pink light (Poison) moves slowly throughout the lair. Any player attached to an actively affected tile looses one luck.
    C. Void - All light is sucked from the Lair, and players must collect tiles based on their memory. The incorrect matching penalty of one health still applies.
    Dragon attacks get more frequent as the game progresses eventually resulting in the end of the game.

    Win Condition / End Game:

    After a player has lost all of their luck, their blink changes over to score mode.
    In score mode, lights of different colors flash in quick succession followed by a several second gap.
    To determine your score, count the number of Gold flashes in the group and multiply by 100, and then red by 10 and green by 1. The sum of these numbers is your score.
    If playing single player, try to set and beat your high score.
    If playing competitively with multiple players, the player with the highest score when their luck runs out wins.

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