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The Da Vinci Code Board Game: The Quest for the Truth
The Da Vinci Code Board Game: The Quest for the Truth
by Hasbro, RoseArt, Identity Games International B.V., Mega Brands, Columbia Pictures, Nilco S.A. (2006)
Player Count
2 to 6

Player Ages

Playing Time
2 hours
  • Deduction
  • Murder/Mystery
  • Memory
  • Novel-based
  • Designers
  • Terry Miller Associates
  • Mechanisms
  • Roll / Spin and Move
  • Memory
  • Family
  • Historical Figures: Leonardo da Vinci
  • Rating: 5.19/10 from 215 users


    This is a new game inspired by the bestselling novel of the same name and licensed by the film company that is making the movie based on the Da Vinci code book. The game includes 15 different mysteries for players to solve and uses some clever tools that players must employ to solve the mysteries. An instructional DVD that explains the game and shows an example mystery being solved is also included.

    There are 2 phases to the game. In the first phase players roll and move their pieces around the board to visit various sites to look at clue cards so they can figure out the mystery phrase first. Each of these clues require a different mechanism to solve. Some use a mirror to reverse the letters, some use a decoder box that is laid over the card in a certain way to reveal part of the mystery phrase, some cards you line up against a special decoder tool, and some are just riddles or puzzles to solve. Some clues will also require the player to do to the center of the board and visit the library to retrieve a card there with information that will help them solve their clue. Alternately, players might need to visit the Louvre and examine a painting there. When the players visit the Louvre the players only have 30 seconds to find the correct card with the painting that relates to their clue, examine the painting and the information on the card about the painting and hopefully discover the information they need to solve their current clue.

    Players can also discover one of two special types of cards: Taxis which let the player move around board quicker and a computer card that lets you look at another player's notes for 30 seconds.

    Once one player thinks they have solved the Mystery Phrase they go to the center of the board and announce the answer. If they are right then all players score 1 point for each letter (and blank space) they had correct in the Mystery Phrase. The player that got the Mystery Phrase correct gets 5 bonus points.

    This begins Phase 2 of the game as 5 questions are now read from the mystery book. These questions relate to the clues that the players discovered during the game. Each question a player gets right is worth 5 points. If a player gets all 5 questions correct they score another 5 points.

    Players lose points for any Taxi or Computer cards they had left in their hand at the end of the game.

    The player with the highest score wins.

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