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Superior Defender Gundam Collectible Card Game
Superior Defender Gundam Collectible Card Game
by Bandai (2004)
Player Count

Player Ages

Playing Time
30 minutes to 1 minutes
  • Card Game
  • Collectible Components
  • Fighting
  • Movies / TV / Radio theme
  • Family
  • Player Count: Two Player Only Games
  • Rating: 0/10 from 0 users


    The Superior Defender Gundam Collectable Card Game gives you the chance to command an army of Superior Defenders to conquer dangers in an epic struggle for planetary supremacy. Armed with a Force Deck of 30 cards (consisting of SD Cards, Weapon Cards, and Mission Cards), 2 battleships, and 10 points worth of Power Supply Chips, each player’s objective is to win battles among SD Gundams and move their 2 battleships to collect Power Supply Chips and advance into enemy territory, ultimately destroying their opponent's 2 battleships or conquering their opponent's base.

    The game is played on two connected game mats with a Battlefield where SD Cards fight, a Command Board where battleships move to attack their opponent, activate Power Supply Chips, or Capture their opponent's Base, and an area where support SD Cards, Mission Cards, and Weapon Cards are played. Gameplay consists of five stages that are repeated until a player either destroys their opponent's 2 battleships or moves one of their battleships onto their opponent's base.

    Supply Stage:
    Draw one card from the Force Deck into your hand.

    Advance Stage:
    Move a battleship one connecting space on the Command Board, flipping over any Power Supply Chips it lands on.

    Operation Stage: This stage is skipped during a player’s first turn.
    Choose a Weapon Card with a range capable of attacking your opponent’s battleship from your hand and place it on the Weapon Card area in the Force Sector. Its Power Supply Requirement must be paid and the SD Symbol on the Chip must match the SD Symbol on the card being put into play. Weapon Cards are not sent to the Discard Pile until the Battle Stage is finished.

    Battle Stage: This stage is skipped during a player’s first turn.
    1. The player that initiates the attack goes first by choosing one of the SD Cards on their Battlefield and flipping it over. In order to attack, the chosen SD Card must have must have a target grid that highlights an area where an opponent’s SD Card is placed.

    2. The ATTACKER and DEFENDER compare SD Powers. The SD Card with the higher Power, taking into account all Effects in play, wins the battle. The winning SD Card stays on the Battlefield face up. The losing SD Card gets sent to that player’s Discard Pile. In the event of a tie, both SD Cards remain face up on the Battlefield for the next turn. Face-up SD Cards can no longer be used to attack but can still be attacked by your opponent. They remain on the Battlefield until they have been defeated.

    3. The DEFENDER is now given the chance to attack. Repeat steps 1 & 2 with the DEFENDER now as the ATTACKER.

    4) Repeat steps 1-3 until a player defeats an opponent’s battleship. A player defeats their opponent’s battleship by defeating 3 of their SD Cards thus sending them to the Discard Area. If there are not enough SD Cards on the Battlefield for a player to defeat 3 of their opponent’s cards, the player who defeats more of their opponent’s SD Cards wins the battle.

    5) The winner sends their opponent’s battleship back one space on the Command Board and moves their victorious battleship to the previously occupied space.
    • If the losing battleship cannot move back a space due to another battleship obstructing its movement, the losing battleship is destroyed and removed from the Command Board.
    • If the losing battleship cannot move back because it is at the back (1st Row) of the Command Board, the losing battleship is destroyed and removed from the Command Board.

    Assign Stage:
    Place one SD Card from your hand face down on any unoccupied space on the Battlefield. One Power Supply Point is required when placing an SD Card on the Battlefield. The SD Symbol of the chip must match the Symbol of the card being placed.

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