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Things From Another World
Puzzle Master
đź’› Stygian
by (Self-Published) (2016)
Player Count
2 to 4

Player Ages

Playing Time
15 minutes to 45 minutes
  • Abstract Strategy
  • Horror
  • Maze
  • Designers
  • Louis Manning
  • Mechanisms
  • Modular Board
  • Hex-and-Counter
  • Hand Management
  • Area Movement
  • Artists
  • Louis Manning
  • Family
  • Category: Print on Demand
  • Rating: 0/10 from 0 users


    You're trapped down here and the only hope is to escape! The gates are the way out, if only you could remember where they are in this twisting maze of moldered passageways. You'll need the Silver Key to get through them as well; it must be here somewhere, waiting to be found.

    Suddenly there is an inhuman screech, a yowling, ululating expectation of madness that paralyses your body and frays your psyche... from somewhere, out there in the dark. You pant as your breath returns and you stagger to your feet; you must escape before they can find you!

    Game Pieces:

    23 Hex Tiles
    1 Hex Rift Tile
    12 Horror Cards
    12 Lost Cards
    24 Item Cards
    4 Player Tokens

    How to play:

    The game is played between 2-4 players, the ultimate goal being to escape. This is done by finding two things; the tile of the gates, and the card of the silver key which opens them.

    Each player starts with a random character card and three item cards - maybe even the silver key, which makes the game much more cut-throat, much more quickly.

    The players explore, revealing new hexes as they do so, expanding the board out, revealing the unknown. Sooner or later a player will succumb to a trap, or an attack from another player, or just the bad luck of finding the brain parasite item card.

    When this happens, that player is removed from play. They will come back on their next turn with a Horror card. They are now an eldritch beast from another dimension, and the only way to recover their humanity is to devour one of the human players - reversing their fates.

    The game is heavy on strategy; all the cards affect each other in one way or another,depending on the situation and positioning of the tiles themselves. Despite this, the rules are simple enough to pick up and play in five minutes. Games can be over quickly, but the more experienced the players, the more devious and complex their strategies become.

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