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Things From Another World
Puzzle Master
💛 Slasher
by (Web published) (2010)
Player Count
1 to 2

Player Ages

Playing Time
10 minutes to 1 minutes
  • Card Game
  • Horror
  • Mature / Adult
  • Print & Play
  • Designers
  • Sam Vincent
  • Mechanisms
  • Paper-and-Pencil
  • Simulation
  • Dice Rolling
  • Family
  • Traditional Card Games
  • Movies: Horror Movies
  • Rating: 5.6/10 from 5 users


    A fan of horror movies or slasher films? This free print and play is your chance to see how you measure up to the classic greats. Are you the next Jason? Or will the cops end your reign of terror before it begins?

    With victims that can fight back, potential news media alerting even more cops to you, and house weapons that can either help or harm you, things won't be as simple as you think.


    Players will use a deck of cards for the game board, and dice and the rules to get things done. Options include cutting lights off in homes, cutting phone lines, trying to fight and kill the victims, as in any slasher film. Of course, when that doesn't go to plan, then you need to decide how to deal with the police, potential survivor types, and other issues. Will you spend a turn rolling to pick up a weapon to help you kill? Or try to rush in and dispatch foes? It's all up to you. This game allows for quite a bit of choice.

    Also included are Evil Points, which you earn, and can use to pull off the sorts of narrow escapes, and horror movie classics like escaping unscathed from gunfire.

    Lastly, like any good slasher, on a certain roll, you have rage. This unleashes the true horror of your character. You get to create your own within the rules and see how well, and how long you can survive.


    This edition is the culmination of 8 years of this game existing, trial and error, pruning rules, and basically gutting my own creation to rewrite it in a much clearer, more concise way. Along with new rules that streamline the game into a faster experience, with more to do. 2 player variants now also included in the rules, along with an Official Character Sheet and Tokens.

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