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đź’› Seven Hills
Seven Hills
by Game Humanity, Game O´Clock (2009)
Player Count
3 to 4

Player Ages

Playing Time
1 hour
  • Ancient
  • Designers
  • Heo Namchul
  • Mechanisms
  • Set Collection
  • Area Control / Area Influence
  • Artists
  • Lee Wonhee
  • Family
  • Ancient Rome
  • Component: Map (City scale)
  • Rating: 6.57/10 from 21 users


    In this game, you become a noble of early Rome with a considerable cachet. You have a solemn duty to help the prosperity of Mother Rome as a Romand noble who appreciates value of public life. In all ages, population is the key factor of power for which Rome was especially thirsty, because it doesn't hire mercenary soldiers from outside. So your first concern as a Roman leader is to settlement new Roman citizen on the hills of Rome from outside as many as possible. As your Clientes whom you five aid for settlement in Rome and have to gather, they are going to be unswerving supporters for your family and enter the war for Glorious Rome with you. And even they can elect you as Consul with prime prestige. But even in this age of honor, you must be faithful to the principle.It is that you should never look down upon the underprivileged like a slave. Even though they don't have any influence, anyone can't know the time whem their pent-up dissatisfaction will be burst at anywhere. If you can't manage them, they will be exposed to your rival's conspiracy and you will face threat of serious revolt finally.

    object: winning the most Prestige Points after 5 rounds of play
    There are 3 phases: the Settlement Phase, the Consul Phase and Round Scoring.
    In the Settlement Phase you deploy Clientes markers on 'Hills' or 'Forum Romanum'
    In the Consul Phase is a consul chosen.
    Then you'll get scores from the different hills if you are in control of them.

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