The year is 1795 and France is gathering their Forces for their Armies and Navy in a grand attempt to conquer Europe. It is also a time of revolutions, imperialism, piracy and political intrigue. In this game, you start out as a young Officer serving in the Royal Navy. As you complete missions, you will gain experience, honor and hopefully promotions. In time, you may have a command of your own.
SET SAILS FOR GLORY is a solitaire game where the Player creates a Player Officer (PO) Character, starting out as a young Naval Officer in the hopes of a long and glorious career in the Royal Navy. During play, your Player Officer (PO) will be posted to various Ships an assigned a variety of missions to carry out for the King. Your Player Officer will be called on to perform a number of challenges and participate in many battles in order to collect Merit Points that are necessary for being promoted. The Player determines the number of Game Turns to play (10 for a short game, 15 for a moderate game or 20 for a long game) with the goal of reaching the highest rank within that time frame. The Player will then compare his PO’s rank with the Career Success Table to determine how well his PO did? TO GLORY WE SAIL may be played with up to 4 Players if desired (see Multiplayer Rules at the end of these rules).
SET SAILS FOR GLORY is filled with Napoleonic Naval Themes and Actions. Included in the game are many colorful game counters and Ship Cards. Combat features Ship to Ship Combat, Naval Attacks on Ports and Skirmishes and Battles on Land. This Game was inspired by many Napoleonic Naval Fiction Series including Horatio Hornblower, Richard Bolitho and Alan Lewrie, to name a few, and tries to capture the key elements of a young Naval Officer serving in the British Navy during that time.
SET SAILS FOR GLORY can be found at the following URL:
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