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Scratchees: Mole Hole Mania
Scratchees: Mole Hole Mania
by Decipher (1989)
Player Count
2 to 4

Player Ages
  • Scratchees
  • Rating: 0/10 from 0 users


    OBJECTIVE: Your are the groundskeeper of an exclusive golf course that has been invaded by six pesky moles (each a different color). See and destroy the rascals! The player with the most points after all six moles have been caught wins.

    PREPARATION - Write the player's initials in the coring area. Players then scratch the squares on the bottom of the card to determine who goes first. The player finding the number "1" starts the game by digging the first hole (scratching a circle). The moles you seek are pink, blue, black, yellow, green and purple.

    HOW TO PLAY - To find moles, you "dig" holes on the golf course by scratching any circle. You can find all sorts of stuff in a hole - information on where the moles are hiding, bonus points, or nasty traps the moles have set for you! After each hole is dug, the turn passes to the next player on the left (unless otherwise stated). Use hashmarks in the scoring area to keep score. Here is what you might dig up:

    MOLE - 5 points
    GOLF BALL - 1 point
    POISON GOLF BALL - Minus 1 point
    SNAKE (Hiss!) - Lose your next turn
    MOLE POOP - Lose your next turn
    EMPTY HOLE - Nothing, zip, zero.

    Digging up the following items will give you important information:

    FLASHLIGHTS - Shine light on moles of the same color. The mole will be somewhere within the "total area of circles" defined by the direction of the "beam of light". This helpful light also allows you to continue your turn.

    MOLE HOLES - The mole of this color is somewhere in line with this symbol.

    MOLE METER - A number 2, 3 or 4. There is a mole (of this color) that number of circles away.

    DYNAMITE - It blows up! You must scratch off all the neighboring circles that surround the explosive and score them as normal.

    —user summary

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