
Active Sellers
Things From Another World
Puzzle Master
Royal Realms
Royal Realms
Player Count
2 to 5

Player Ages

Playing Time
20 minutes to 30 minutes
  • Card Game
  • Designers
  • Mohmednasar Lunat
  • Mechanisms
  • Set Collection
  • Auction/Bidding
  • Simultaneous Action Selection
  • Hand Management
  • Press Your Luck
  • End Game Bonuses
  • Family
  • Country: England
  • Rating: 8.38/10 from 2 users


    In the Royal Realms, you are hired by the king of England to participate in the royal auction to collect the best combos of various gems for his royal crown. This card-based auction-bluffing game is full of fun and tense moments with many unique twists and turns that hold the interest of all players until the last minute. YOU ARE NOT OUT OF THE GAME UNTIL THE LAST MOVE! LAST MINUTE! The player with the most points wins the game.

    You all have the same limited number of money cards. The auction will last for 4 sessions and for 2 days. On your turn, to win a gem card you bid higher than the previous bid or pass. You have some information about upcoming gem cards for auction and for some gem cards, you bid blindly if you win those you keep them hidden from others which creates bluffing opportunities for you. By the end of session 2 and day 1, you will be calculating influence points the player with the least IP will lose the money from their hands accordingly.

    You will carry over the remaining money cards in your hands for the next day. For day 2 you will have a bit more information about upcoming gem cards, by end of session 3 you simultaneously will be bidding for wild cards auction which you place face down on their right. [ hidden ], and by end of session 4 you once again simultaneously bid for wild cards which you place face down with your previous bid. Players will bank their remaining money cards which they will also place face down on their left.. [ hidden ]

    The end of session 4 and the day 2 auction will end the game, all players will reveal their bid for the wild cards and will receive [ win ] the wild cards accordingly. Then all players will arrange their gem cards together with wild cards to create the best possible combos [ set of gems ] to win the most points. But the game is not over yet, finally, all players will reveal their banked money and the player with the most money banked will receive 20 points and with the least money will lose 20 points.

    All rights reserved by HOBBY DOCTOR GAMES LTD, UK.

    -description from publisher

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