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Reiner Knizia's Caesar
Reiner Knizia's Caesar
by Muduko, unidice (2023)
Player Count
2 to 6

Playing Time
10 minutes to 30 minutes
  • Dice
  • Party Game
  • Ancient
  • Electronic
  • Designers
  • Reiner Knizia
  • Mechanisms
  • Dice Rolling
  • Re-rolling and Locking
  • Artists
  • (Uncredited)
  • Tomasz Kaczkowski
  • Family
  • Ancient Rome
  • Crowdfunding: Kickstarter
  • Admin: Unreleased Games
  • Rating: 9.5/10 from 2 users


    Caesar - is a brand new dice game by Reiner Knizia set in Ancient Rome. Get the support of the other Senators and the coins you need to put you at the top. But be wary of revolts - they can ruin your support - or give you the final edge to overthrow the game and become Caesar in the end.

    The competitive game for 2- 6 players. The game ends after 5 rounds. Each player rolls the unidice during their turn. The top and sides of the digital die turn into their own D6 which means you roll a total of 5 dice in one unidice. The dice results range from numbers to senators and revolt. During their turn, a player can reroll and lock and unlock die faces up to 3 times. Since final dice results can give a senator an advantage, they can choose to aim for a certain dice result to overthrow the other players.

    Caesar is a brand new turn-based game you can play with the unidice - a gaming console in the shape of a die. A player can roll/reroll 3 times until the final result is confirmed. The game proceeds automatically to the next player's turn. Automating the roles with the app and unidice makes reading rules becomes almost redundant as you learn the game on the fly.

    —description from the designer

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