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Things From Another World
Puzzle Master
πŸ’› Plot!
by Cadaco (1968)
Player Count
2 to 4

Player Ages

Playing Time
30 minutes
  • Abstract Strategy
  • Wargame
  • Designers
  • (Uncredited)
  • Mechanisms
  • Dice Rolling
  • Artists
  • (Uncredited)
  • Family
  • Components: 16 x 16 Grids
  • Rating: 0/10 from 0 users


    A game of plots and schemes, as simple as checkers, as strategic as chess.

    Advance, retreat, feint, engage and capture in an effort to be the sole survivor.

    Plot area on the board is a safety zone and a vantage point, adds an extra element of suspense and strategy.

    Object of the game is to capture all enemy pieces, and still have one or more of your own pieces on the board.

    Pieces move based on the roll of the dice. As long as a player has one or more pieces remaining in the Starting Area, each piece is limited to either a horizontal or vertical move in one direction. Once all pieces are out of the Starting Area, a player is also allowed diagonal moves, and can now capture opponents playing pieces. Jumping is not allowed and only 1 pieces may occupy any space.

    Pieces are captured by landing on its square at the end of an opponents move. Two pieces may be captured, if a move is split between two pieces. Once down to one piece, you may capture two opponents pieces, by exact count of each of the two dice, either in a straight line, or by changing directions with the second die.

    This game includes two special 6 sided dice. Sides have printed numbers 1-5 and a side with a "P." If one "P" is rolled, you may move one of your own (or an opponents) piece the number rolled. You can even move the opponent back to his Starting Area. If you roll two "P's", you can move one of your pieces directly to the Plot Area, even if coming from the Starting Area.

    The Plot Area is a safety zone in the center of the grid. Each player has a square of his color. Besides rolling two "P's", you may enter this area through your assigned color, and can only come to rest on your own assigned color. A player rolling one "P" may move your piece out of the Plot Area.

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