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💛 Pirate Dice
Pirate Dice
by (Self-Published), (Unpublished) (2012)
Player Count
1 to 5

Player Ages

Playing Time
30 minutes
  • Dice
  • Adventure
  • Pirates
  • Designers
  • Oleksandr Nevskiy
  • Oleg Sidorenko
  • Mechanisms
  • Auction/Bidding
  • Dice Rolling
  • Press Your Luck
  • Rating: 6.41/10 from 19 users


    Pirate Dice is an innovative, fast and funny little board game about pirate life. It is full of everyday events from usual pirate life: battles, horror gigantic krakens and old maps. In the game you choose the character to play. It's one of the famous pirate leaders. Each of them has his own ability to help you get rich quickly.

    Turn begins with the player opens the top card in the event deck and everyone gets involved in a new adventure, which usually ends with a grandiose sea battles. For example, when the card Trade Fleet comes to play all players may send the quantity of their ships they want to rob that trade ship. In case the raid was successful all players divide the loot among themselves. When the card of Royal Fleet is opened all ships of all players have to take part in this battle. But they also have two alternatives: 1) they may try to escape: 2) or they may buy off those royal ships. There are also places where players may renew their ships. Floating Tavern is such card. The current player rolls a die and adds received number to the modification indicated on the card. This sum indicates the quantity of pirates in the floating tavern. These pirates are the cheapest in the game. They cost just one coin per pirate. After this the players start hidden auction to determine who will be the first in buying the pirates. For the hidden auction they use coins, it means who may buy more rum to the pirates. Most likely, not all players will be able to buy new pirates. The player who collects more victory points represented with gold and ships becomes the winner.

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