
Active Sellers
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Party or Naughty
Party or Naughty
by (Self-Published) (2020)
Player Count
2 to 10

Player Ages

Playing Time
1 hour
  • Party Game
  • Family
  • Category: Drinking Games
  • Rating: 0/10 from 0 users


    The rules are simple.

    Grab pen and paper.
    Write down all the names/teams on a sheet of paper.
    Toss all party, naughty and joker cards together and take turns drawing a card.

    The player who draws the card reads out the assignment. When the task is completed, the player receives the corresponding number of points after their name or team.

    However, if the player does not complete the task, he must drink what the card indicates.

    The team or player with the least number of points loses and must draw one of 5 loser cards. The team or player who reaches 20 points first wins and the team or player with the least number of points at that point loses.

    If you are playing in teams, there is mutual discussion as to who on the team should draw the loser card and also execute it.

    —description from the designer

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