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💛 Paper Toss
Paper Toss
by (Self-Published) (2014)
Player Count
2 to 6

Player Ages

Playing Time
20 minutes
  • Card Game
  • Party Game
  • Humor
  • Designers
  • Shane Butler
  • Artists
  • FĂĄbio Fontes
  • Family
  • Crowdfunding: Kickstarter
  • Rating: 5/10 from 1 users


    Paper Toss is a fast, fun, new card game where players compete to deliver the most newspapers on their paper route.

    Paper Toss can be played by 2 to 6 players in anywhere from 10 to 30 minutes (more players make longer games), and the rules are simple and easy to learn, suitable for ages 5 and up.

    The comical art and theme, coupled with the silly, competitive nature of the game make it great for younger children and even the whole family.

    Draw cards from the blue "Paper Deck," and take turns trying to toss your newspaper on a new doormat (by playing the "Paper Toss" card), as other players try to throw off your aim with hazards like angry dogs, sidewalk obstacles, and neighborhood kids. If you have the appropriate counter card, you can ignore the distraction.

    A simple discard mechanic adds a subtle layer of strategy: choose which cards to hold or discard, keeping your defensive cards, or going on the offense. Wild cards like "Flat Tire!" and "Bully!" help you stick it to your opponent and gain an upper hand.

    Once you throw your paper, turn over a card from the green "Toss Deck," to see how good your throw was. With every successful paper toss, you gain a Paper Token. The first player to collect 10 Tokens wins the game! Can you be the first one to toss all your papers?

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