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Puzzle Master
Oppai Go!
Oppai Go!
by Max Manga (2016)
Player Count
2 to 4

Player Ages

Playing Time
15 minutes to 30 minutes
  • Card Game
  • Party Game
  • Mature / Adult
  • Designers
  • Marco Mingozzi
  • Mechanisms
  • Hand Management
  • Variable Phase Order
  • Take That
  • Artists
  • Yugin Maffioli
  • Daniela Giubellini
  • Family
  • Anime & Manga
  • Crowdfunding: Kickstarter
  • Crowdfunding: Giochistarter
  • Theme: Stripping
  • Rating: 5.45/10 from 52 users


    How many of you remember the old videogames of the '80s – '90s where you had to be extremely skilled in cabinet to strip completely super-pixelled girls?

    Oppai Go has been created from this idea, a “strategic” game in which each player has a sexy female alter ego taken on a desert island as a sort of “Battle Royale” or “The Hunger Games”, with the exception of only wearing underwear. Unfortunately the fate is not by your side (or maybe yes?), because you will be “forced” to use every means at your disposal to fully undress your opponents and try to earn your way back home.

    The goal of the game is to have the most victory points at the end. Players get VP by stripping their opponents of their clothes (or accessories).

    The accessory token moves from one space to another to denote the state of dress of each character. The possible states are as follows:
    1. Naked: The accessory token is off the character sheet and the character is flipped to the naked side
    2. Pants: The character is only wearing pants (token on pants space)
    3. Bra: The character is wearing bra and pants (token on bra space)
    4. Armor: The character is wearing bra and pants, and also armor (token on armor space)
    5. Weapon: The character has a weapon, armor, bra and panties (token on weapon space)

    The game is divided into rounds, each round is split into phases. Note that some phases are played in clockwise order and some others in anticlockwise order.

    Each player faces a round always with 3 cards in hand, drawing them from the central common deck. Cards could have some effects like removing accessories to an opponent (or to everyone), gain 1 accessory, defend from opposing actions, etc.

    The cards can be played by the hand, can be held (covered) on the table (to be played during the next rounds) or can be discarded. All played cards form a sort of pile in order to activate their effects from the last played card to the first one.

    The held cards go always on the top of the pile, so their effects start first. There's only one problem: the card on the top of the discard pile determines the Seed, that is the color of cards that cannot be played among the held ones.

    This is a game full of funny surprises, bluff, ruthless combos and embarrassing situations.

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