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On Air
by BigBoxGamers (2016)
Player Count
2 to 4
  • Movies / TV / Radio theme
  • Mechanisms
  • Variable Player Powers
  • Hand Management
  • Rating: 7/10 from 1 users


    In On Air, players are building their own TV Network. They start new programs, upgrade and customize them, hire stars, use their staff in their optimal way. Acquiring fans and researching the audience is key to getting the best ratings. Ads and product placement are extremely important for making money but they shouldn't be overused because the viewers might get annoyed and change the station. The most delicate thing is to know where to stop your best TV programs. They can go into the archives at their peak and always be remembered or they can be prolonged for profit but go down by their age and be forgotten forever.

    On Air is an action selection, resource and hand management board game that lasts for a certain amount of rounds. Each player has three slots for TV programs. Morning, Afternoon and Evening (Primetime). At the end of each round audience cards for the three time frames are revealed. Each one has different requirements for content. If a player’s TV program at that time frame fits their requirements the player win their attention and score ratings.

    The players fight for victory points. Victory points are accumulated in three ways.

    1. Rating scored during the game
    2. Points for archived program
    3. Points for secret objectives

    Each game of On Air will feel different. Players choose their role at the beginning of the game. There are 4 roles with not only unique skills but unique mechanics that change the game. Also, every role itself has several completely different ways to play.

    The game comes with plenty of staff cards that also break the standard rules of the game. Each card has multiple ways of using it, so players can customize their style even further.

    Every program can be fully customized. For example, you can start a children puppet show but if you want you can change it by adding drama and 16+ content. Later on you could even change the type from being TV series to being a reality show or even a game show. You can get stars for the show or put a lot of absurd product placement in it.

    Whatever you do, your TV Network is all up to you!

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