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Puzzle Master
💛 Numis
by B.C. Central Credit Union (1978)
Player Count
2 to 4
  • Educational
  • Math
  • Mechanisms
  • Roll / Spin and Move
  • Rating: 0/10 from 0 users


    Numis is a game that shows young people how money is made up. The object of the game is to be the first player to get one quarter (25 cent piece).

    The game consists of the board, one custom die and 'fun money' modeled after Canadian coins. The board is illustrated with a stone pool, a barrel and a wheelbarrow. Each player starts the game with 3 pennies (1 cent) and 1 nickel (5 cents). The rest of the 'money' is placed in the stone pool. Rolling the die tells the player to either place the specified amount of 'money' in the stone pool or take the specified amount from the stone pool. Then the player must exchange their coins for a coin of larger value if they are able. To do this the player places their coins on the wheelbarrow and takes the coin of equivalent value from the stone pool and places it on the barrel. When all the players agree that the two amounts of money are equal, the player takes the coin from the barrel. The 'money' in the wheelbarrow goes into the stone pool. Play continues until one player has enough change to get a quarter.

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