
Active Sellers
Things From Another World
Puzzle Master
Myn Pikkewyn
Myn Pikkewyn
by Return Revolution (2020)
Player Count
2 to 5

Player Ages

Playing Time
30 minutes to 1 hour, 30 minutes
  • Animals
  • Mechanisms
  • Worker Placement
  • Contracts
  • Rating: 8.33/10 from 3 users


    Myn Pikkewyn (Afrikaans for: "Mine Penguin") is a family-friendly fun board game where fish-hungry penguins help you to mine precious metal nuggets from a floating iceberg. These nuggets are used to fulfill contract cards, earning players victory points. The player with the most victory points at the end of the game wins.

    The game consist out of a game board in the form of a giant floating iceberg. On the iceberg is 30 faced down nuggets to be mined. Each player have 4 plastic penguins as the maximum number of workers per round. Other components are action cards, contract cards, precious metal nuggets and resources.

    At the start of every round, players take turns to place their available workers (penguins) to either harvest resources or mine nuggets on the iceberg through worker-placement. Once enough penguins(as indicated per mining tile) are placed on a mining tile in the iceberg, the precious metal may be mined. At the end of each round, players recall all the penguins, who bring their mined nuggets and resources back with them. Resources may be used to purchase action- or contract cards. The action cards may be played in the next round to upgrade mining skills or to increase the players penguin colony by adding additional (to a maximum of 4) penguins. The nuggets of precious metals and contract cards are kept until the end of the game.

    Once all the tiles on the iceberg is mined, the game ends and the players apply their nuggets of precious metals to their contract cards, earning victory points for each completed contract. The player with the most victory points win the game and is declared the Myn Pikkewyn.

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