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Music Snob
Music Snob
by Robert Burke Games
Player Count
3 to 8

Player Ages

Playing Time
20 minutes to 1 hour
  • Party Game
  • Designers
  • Robert Burke
  • Family
  • Admin: Unreleased Games
  • Music Making & Makers
  • Rating: 0/10 from 0 users


    Music Snob is a party game for hardcore music fans.

    Each player always has a hand of 5 Artist Cards. Each card lists the name of one musical artist. Artists include hitmakers, the critically acclaimed, and the influential across rock, pop, R&B, hip-hop, jazz, blues, folk and even some new age.

    On a player's turn they select one of three Award Cards that are face up on the table. The card you select will guide you in which three artist cards you will play face up to the table. Award cards include parameters such as, "My favorite.", "A guilty pleasure.", "The most influential.", "Worst vocals.", "Best lyrics.", "Most likely to be a Star Trek fan.", "Will be forgotten the quickest.", "The biggest sellout.", "Best dynamics.", "Best bass playing.", "Best vocal harmonies." and many more. There are plans to have around 130 Award Cards in the base game.

    After the active player selects an Award Card, they place three Artist Cards from their hand face up on the table marked #1, #2, and #3, each other player, and the active player then places a 1, 2, or 3 marker face down on the table in front of themselves.

    When all players have made their selection, all players reveal. Each player that matches the active player's selection gets 1 point. If ALL player select the active players pick, the active player gets points listed on the Award card (2 to 4 points depending on the difficulty of the Award Card).

    The game is built for musicians, and rabid music fans who really love music and enjoy debating subjective creative musical talent.

    There is a game variant that has the active player selecting an Award Card and all other players throwing in an answer from their hand of 5 Artist Cards. The active player then picks their favorite, giving 1 point to the player whose card was selected.

    Example rounds:

    Pick a guilty pleasure.
    1. Ambrosia
    2. Air Supply
    3. Justin Timberlake
    Best background vocals.
    1. The Beatles
    2. The Staple Singers
    3. Sly & The Family Stone
    Most likely to go to hell.
    1. Slayer
    2. 50 Cent
    3. Madonna
    Best Lyrics.
    1. Tom Waits
    2. Bob Dylan
    3. Rush

    —description from the designer

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