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Things From Another World
Puzzle Master
by Max A. Peck (publisher) (1972)
Player Count
1 to 81

Player Ages
  • Educational
  • Math
  • Mechanisms
  • Tile Placement
  • Rating: 0/10 from 0 users


    Multiplay is a "multiplication learning game of luck and skill." It is played on a board numbered from 2 to 9 across the top and along one side, forming a grid. Chips showing all the multiplication products of the numbers on the grid are included. Each player takes an equal number of chips from a face-down pile and places them standing on edge, so they are visible to the owning player and hidden from other players. Leftover chips are placed on the correct squares of the board.

    In turn, each player spins a spinner, looks at his or her chips, and places any chips corresponding to the number spun onto the grid. If the chip is placed incorrectly (i.e. not the product of the numbers in the row and column) the player must take the chip back and lose a turn. If the spinning player does not have the number spun, he passes to the player on his left, who may then play that number if possible. If not, play continues to pass to the left until a player can play the number. If no one has the chip, the first player to spin spins again until someone can play a number.

    The first player to play all his or her tiles wins.

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