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Moral Conflict 1941
Moral Conflict 1941
by Playford Games (2011)
Player Count
2 to 6

Player Ages

Playing Time
5 hours
  • Civilization
  • Economic
  • Negotiation
  • Fighting
  • Territory Building
  • Educational
  • Designers
  • David Stennett
  • Mechanisms
  • Auction/Bidding
  • Partnerships
  • Cooperative Play
  • Area Movement
  • Dice Rolling
  • Area Control / Area Influence
  • Artists
  • Stefan Kolmsperger
  • Family
  • Moral Conflict
  • Rating: 6.64/10 from 17 users


    The scene is set in summer 1941 as the Axis launched Barbarossa, the greatest military campaign in history, which set the course for the rest of the Second World War. Will you lead the Axis and Soviet Union along this path of history or will you attack southwards to acquire the oil rich Middle East or strike the Empires a death blow? As the USA player can you thwart an Axis surprise attack on your Pacific fleet in Pearl Harbor and avoid the USA’s sudden entry into the war?

    A Moral Conflict game can be played in either a co-operative or non-co-operative way. The rules you need to play are not difficult but Moral Conflict requires many skills to master the dimensions and the game. In this fast moving non-turn based educational game, opportunities are continuously presented to make decisions and act. You can sit on the sideline and watch as world events occur. You can co-operate with other players to defend and develop your lands, or you can trust no one but yourself, as you build up your power and influence around the globe.

    How will you guide your power? Set your heart and mind on one or more of the 5 dimensions:

    Military war: great land, sea and air battles.

    Economic crisis: the struggle for strategic resources and economic growth.

    Diplomatic pressure: coerce or persuade new nations into trade or war.

    Technology race: develop new weapons or production methods.

    Moral conflict: the eternal fight between good and evil.

    As your courage grows you can add the 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th dimension games. As the intricacy increases with added dimensions, you will enjoy the growing challenge to plan more strategically, think more long-term and more effectively leverage the interdependency of the dimensions. Interact with your friends in 5 dimensions and watch how victory is won and lost as players use different resources and skills to gain advantage. The interplay of each dimension on another makes each game different and gives the opportunity to test your skills, as you develop your power and learn in all 5 dimensions.

    Moral Conflict 1941 the version for highly sophisticated and skilled strategy game players

    Are you ready for war in all five dimensions?

    A relentless pursue of limitless possibilities: the intellectual challenge to grow in military skill, negotiation, teamwork and master the 5 dimensional interaction with other players.

    This game pushes players to the limit of their game playing abilities; turning them into real generals, diplomats, economic and technological leaders who are able to distinguish between good and evil. Moral Conflict 1941 delivers a detailed and highly realistic global warfare experience that makes the players want to come back to play again and again.

    If Moral Conflict 1941 was a car this would be the high power Ferrari sports car.

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