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Puzzle Master
Things From Another World
Mindent a helyére!
Mindent a helyére!
by Keller & Mayer
Player Count
2 to 6

Player Ages

Playing Time
15 minutes to 1 minutes
  • Roll / Spin and Move
  • Pattern Recognition
  • Rating: 5/10 from 2 users


    In this game for children, you need to move pawns into the holes with the corresponding shapes and earn the most victory tokens this way.
    1 gameboard
    12 pawns (in 4 different color red, green, blue,yellow, and 3 different shape triangle, brick, roll in every color)
    12 victory tokens
    4 color tokens (in 4 different colors)
    3 shape tokens
    2 dice
    When it's your turn, you need to take a step with a pawn. The goal is moving a pawn into a field having a hole with the same shape. When this occurs you can get a victory token. To take a step with a pawn, you need to roll with 2 dice. The first die identifies the number of steps, the second die identifies the color, so if you roll green and 2 you have to take 2 steps with one of the green pawns.
    If you roll a star with the color die, you need to select a color token from the face-down pile and a shape token also from the face-down pile and these identify which pawn you must move.
    The game ends when all pawns fell down in the holes.

    The player with the most victory tokens wins the game.

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