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💛 Maziacs the Boardgame
Maziacs the Boardgame
by (Web published) (2010)
Player Count
1 to 2

Player Ages

Playing Time
30 minutes
  • Fantasy
  • Exploration
  • Adventure
  • Maze
  • Video Game Theme
  • Print & Play
  • Designers
  • Jorge Arroyo
  • Mechanisms
  • Tile Placement
  • Modular Board
  • Dice Rolling
  • Rating: 6.88/10 from 4 users


    From the rules: In this game you play the part of a hero that goes into a dangerous maze to look for a great treasure. The maze is full of monsters called Maziacs who will try their best to kill the hero. Fortunately they're not very intelligent, but can be deadly if you're caught off guard...

    The game uses tiles to build a new random maze each play and mechanics to create a unique path towards the treasure. This path is slowly uncovered by the player by asking prisoners that can be found randomly through the maze. Also, the Maziacs will appear randomly and try to kill the hero, but as long as he has a sword, he'll be safe. There's also a mechanic that will adjust the chance of a new Maziac appearing based on the number of Maziacs already on the board and the distance from the exit.

    In the end, it's all about beating the game system, either as a solo or cooperative game, trying to maneuver through the tight corridors fooling Maziacs into dead ends and finding the correct path to the treasure.

    The game is based on the great ZX Spectrum game "Maziacs" programmed by Don Priestley. He was kind enough to allow the designer of this game to use the same name.

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