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đź’› Maze
by The Game Works, Inc. (1983)
Player Count

Player Ages

Playing Time
30 minutes
  • Abstract Strategy
  • Maze
  • Designers
  • (Uncredited)
  • Mechanisms
  • Tile Placement
  • Family
  • Player Count: Two Player Only Games
  • Rating: 0/10 from 0 users


    Maze - A Maze Building Strategy Game For Two

    The object of Maze is to construct a maze with as few tiles as possible, and to move your pawn through it from Start to Finish.

    Each player starts with their Start/Finish tile on the table. Each turn, the player rolls a pair of dice. That player will then choose 2 out of the 3 options to perform, and allocates one of the rolled dice to each of those options. The options are:

    Option 1: The player turns tile face up from a face down stack, until the number of face up tiles matches the number on the chosen die.

    Option 2: The player chooses the number of tiles indicated by the die, and adds those tiles to their existing maze.

    Option 3: The player advances their pawn through their maze as many squares (there are 2 squares per tile) as the die indicates.

    The tiles have various configurations of bold lines around certain edges, indicating walls of the maze. When the maze is completed, it must be fully enclosed by the border, and all squares must be reachable by the pawn.

    The round ends when a player has completed their maze and has moved the pawn from the Start to the Finish, entering Finish with an exact die roll. Alternatively, a round can end when both players have run out of tiles, and one of them has reached the end of their incomplete maze. Scores are tallied using various factors (number of squares in the maze, number of squares needed to complete the maze, number of squares the pawn needs to travel to reach the Finish, number of squares on unused face up tiles), and low score wins the round.

    Rules are also included for variants to adjust the difficulty of the game.

    (C) The Game Works, Inc. 1983

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