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💛 Match Fishing Dice
Match Fishing Dice
by (Self-Published)
Player Count
1 to 99

Playing Time
5 minutes to 1 minutes
  • Dice
  • Sports
  • Mechanisms
  • Dice Rolling
  • Rating: 1/10 from 1 users


    Welcome to a great game of match fishing for those times when you can't get to the waterside. It's very simple to play, with any number of people, and everyone has the chance to be a match winner.

    In Match Fishing Dice, each player begins by rolling the "Peg" die to determine if their final score will be doubled, halved, or left as is. Then players take turns rolling the other colored dice in a set sequence to determine the daily fishing conditions, whether their cast was successful or not, which species of fish was caught (if successful), and how many pounds (victory points) were reeled in. Each set of 6 unique fish a player catches will earn a bonus of 10 pounds. After a minimum of 15 rounds, players tally their total pounds caught, adding any set bonuses, and then doubling or halving their score if necessary based on their initial Peg roll. The winner is the player with the highest score.

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