
Active Sellers
Things From Another World
Puzzle Master
Life Skills: Ucz? si? rozwi?zywa? problemy
Life Skills: Ucz? si? rozwi?zywa? problemy
by Lisciani Giochi, Dante (2021)
Player Count

Player Ages

Playing Time
15 minutes to 30 minutes
  • Trivia
  • Educational
  • Medical
  • Designers
  • (Uncredited)
  • Mechanisms
  • Set Collection
  • Artists
  • (Uncredited)
  • Rating: 2/10 from 1 users


    The World Health Organization has identified 10 life skills that are needed to grow into a better and happier person, who is able to lead a dignified life. And it is these skills that are developed in the games in this series, which are also great fun for the child. These are soft skills that are essential in everyday life. They allow children to get to know themselves, their emotions better, make contacts with other people easier or cope with stress.

    This game teaches children to solve problems when they find themselves in a difficult situation. Children, using elements in the game, have to talk about a given situation and try to find a way out of it together with their parent.

    —description from publisher

    Every player receives at the start of the game 5 problem tiles. The goal is to solve those problems. Each turn a player spins a spinner which has 4 outcomes:
    1. Solve a problem: To solve a problem a player has to choose one of the solution tokens that is a dedicated solution for one of their problems - it is checked by flipping the token and check if the number on the other side match the number on the problem tile. If correct, the player flips their problem to the solved side. If not, nothing happens, end of player's turn.
    2. Solve a big problem: If a player has a medal, nothing happens, end of turn. If not, an opponent draws a big problem card and reads to the active player. There are always two questions with answers beneath them. If the active player replies to both questions correctly, they receive a medal.
    3. Change a problem: Player changes an unsolved problem tile for another one from the pool.
    4. Lose a solved problem: Player loses on of their solved problem, if any.

    The first player to solve all 5 problems and get a medal wins.

    —user summary

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